If you had a million dollars to spend on a better Mailing List, what would you spend it on?
Here are a few ideas ….
Pay each of your existing customers to paint a red X on their roofs, then hire a helicopter to fly around your market area so you could finally see where your customers are coming from. Well not exactly, but we actually have something even better! The mapping tools available today are even better than flying in a helicopter. Using your existing customer database with a visual interactive mapping tool, you are able to fly around your market place. You will be amazed at what you can learn from seeing clusters of where your customers live.
1) Imagine being able to see your customers neighbors and all the way down to your customers house. You will be able to see all the roads, highways, rivers, lakes, bridges or lack of roads and other barriers that may be stopping prospective customers from coming to your office. Also you may discover some areas to mail that are further away but, don’t have anyone else to service them. Interactive mapping doesn’t cost a million, maybe one to two hundred dollars or we might just do it for free.
2) Hire the nations top marketing research firms to study the demographics of your area and break it into market segments so you could target your area better. Again not exactly. But … Your local newspapers, cable companies and yellow pages does exactly that. They hire the nations top marketing research firms to define market segments. This information is available to you, since you are a potential advertiser with them. All you have to do is know how to ask them for the market segment data.
3) Hire a psychic to tell you which people on your mailing list will get your mail in time for them to book an appointment for your time sensitive event. If your like me you don’t believe in psychics. What you can do here is consider NOT mailing to P.O. Boxes for your time sensitive events. P.O. Boxes for some customers make up 5%,10% or even 15% of the mailing list. Many of these customers may not check their mailboxes in time for your time sensitive event. Stop mailing them and you could save 5% to 15% on your print and mailing costs. Oh shoot we are saving money and we were trying to spend a million bucks.
4) Buy a super computer to analyze your customer database to identify what age, income and other demographics your customers have in common and the market penetration you made into that segment. Well It doesn’t take a supercomputer anymore to do this. We have a inexpensive tool that can analyze your customer database. If you have not analyze your customer database you should. Customers always learn something they didn’t know when they look at our profile reports of their customer database.