
Beautiful Visual Interface

The inter­face is clear and sim­ple, every action is straight­for­ward. Cre­at­ing a new slid­er and adding slides are quick and easy process.

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Fully Responsive Slider

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Strate­gic Con­sult­ing

At Full­tech, we have decades of hear­ing indus­try direct mar­ket­ing expe­ri­ence, so you don’t have to! As a leader in the indus­try, we inte­grate online and offline media cam­paigns, offer­ing sim­pli­fied data ana­lyt­ics and response mod­el­ing, to ensure a high­er return and ROI for our clients. We help you focus your direct response adver­tis­ing dol­lar – cre­at­ing mea­sur­able cam­paigns, and build­ing your brand to expand into new mar­kets.

Cre­ative Design

From inno­v­a­tive mail pack­ages to spe­cial cus­tom pro­mo­tions, we offer a wide range of cre­ative ser­vices for your direct mar­ket­ing pro­grams. We’ve built a team of excep­tion­al direct response design­ers with years of expe­ri­ence in senior mar­ket­ing. We spe­cial­ize in lead gen­er­a­tion, sales let­ters, post­cards, self-mail­ers, brochures, email and web pro­mo­tions. Our designs go beyond visu­al appeal, as we con­sid­er data spe­cif­ic, con­sumer response behav­ior. By apply­ing mul­ti­vari­ate test­ing tech­niques, we assess how each of your designs and mes­sages res­onate with your prospec­tive patients – then design pro­grams spe­cif­ic to each of your office loca­tions.

Mail­ing Lists

A key to our direct mail suc­cess is our tar­get­ed, mul­ti-sourced mail­ing lists. These lists are seg­ment­ed and con­tin­u­ous­ly updat­ed to ensure high­er con­ver­sions for your direct response cam­paigns. We have secured high lev­el part­ner­ships with nation­al com­pil­ers that gath­er the most accu­rate and diverse infor­ma­tion avail­able on the mar­ket. Choose from a wide range of psy­cho-graph­ic and demo­graph­ic options. Our cur­rent mail­ing list is com­prised of over 250 mil­lion con­sumers in over 125 house­holds.

Data Analy­sis

The Full­tech team makes data analy­sis sim­ple and easy to under­stand. Our pro­pri­etary approach ensures cus­tomer acqui­si­tion and reten­tion. We clean, update and track the per­for­mance of your data, and advise on strate­gies to increase your cus­tomer response rate. We mea­sure who shows an inter­est in your mes­sage vers­es those who do not respond – then, we devel­op per­son­al­ized mes­sages that will be tar­get­ed to those patients who have shown inter­est in hear­ing care. The net result is more qual­i­fied patients book­ing appoint­ments in your office at a high­er ROI.

Med­ical Ser­vices
A range of ser­vice to suit your health
Emer­gency & Trau­ma Ser­vices

Our med­ical cen­ter is the only full ser­vice emer­gency room in New York open 24/7.

Mater­ni­ty & Neona­tal

Our med­ical cen­ter is spe­cial­ized to help you through all stages of your preg­nan­cy.


The #2 Best in the Coun­try

Res­pi­ra­to­ry Issues

Treats 800+ Issues Per Year

Den­tal Care

9 Den­tal Experts

Can­cer Treat­ment

78% Cure Rate

Avail­able Health Pack­ages
Afford­able, qual­i­ty health plans for indi­vid­u­als and fam­i­lies
Vital Health Pack­age

Your entry lev­el screen­ing pack­age cov­er­ing periph­er­al arte­r­i­al dis­ease, heart dis­ease and stroke assess­ment, body com­po­si­tion and bio­met­ric analy­sis.

Elite Health Pack­age

A thor­ough, very detailed and com­pre­hen­sive assess­ment of all the body sytems. High­ly rec­om­mend­ed for all if you want to be sure and extreme­ly con­fi­dent about your health.

Dr. Amy Myers

Bacon ipsum dolor amet meat­loaf rib­eye ball tip, cow chuck veni­son pork bel­ly meat­ball porchet­ta. Rib­eye short loin flank kevin tur­duck­en. Strip steak ten­der­loin bil­tong shoul­der drum­stick cow. Cow pork bel­ly jowl meat­loaf pig ground round beef tri-tip. Pork chop beef pig pancetta pork loin.

Beef ribs pork frank­furter, boudin jerky buf­fa­lo tongue shoul­der sala­mi rump swine meat­ball burgdoggen flank.

Dr. James Bar­ry

Spare ribs pican­ha cupim porchet­ta. Turkey short loin tongue bre­sao­la ten­der­loin, pican­ha alca­tra. Spare ribs corned beef t-bone chick­en ham­burg­er. Pig swine ten­der­loin ham­burg­er, spare ribs kiel­basa pork chop bacon rib­eye frank­furter drum­stick bre­sao­la pro­sciut­to tur­duck­en.

Pork chop pican­ha rump fat­back buf­fa­lo pork loin cupim pork bel­ly t-bone filet mignon. Short loin pork loin jowl, kiel­basa shank ham­burg­er pican­ha andouille buf­fa­lo.

Dr. Tyler Fox

Strip steak ten­der­loin bil­tong shoul­der drum­stick cow. Cow pork bel­ly jowl meat­loaf pig ground round beef tri-tip. Pork chop beef pig pancetta pork loin.

Swine rib­eye porchet­ta tur­duck­en strip steak bil­tong chuck tongue.Beef ribs pork frank­furter, boudin jerky buf­fa­lo tongue shoul­der sala­mi rump swine meat­ball burgdoggen flank.

Employed Doc­tors
Surg­eries Per Year
Years of Expe­ri­ence
Treat­ments Per Year