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Fully Responsive Slider
At Fulltech, we have decades of hearing industry direct marketing experience, so you don’t have to! As a leader in the industry, we integrate online and offline media campaigns, offering simplified data analytics and response modeling, to ensure a higher return and ROI for our clients. We help you focus your direct response advertising dollar – creating measurable campaigns, and building your brand to expand into new markets.
From innovative mail packages to special custom promotions, we offer a wide range of creative services for your direct marketing programs. We’ve built a team of exceptional direct response designers with years of experience in senior marketing. We specialize in lead generation, sales letters, postcards, self-mailers, brochures, email and web promotions. Our designs go beyond visual appeal, as we consider data specific, consumer response behavior. By applying multivariate testing techniques, we assess how each of your designs and messages resonate with your prospective patients – then design programs specific to each of your office locations.
A key to our direct mail success is our targeted, multi-sourced mailing lists. These lists are segmented and continuously updated to ensure higher conversions for your direct response campaigns. We have secured high level partnerships with national compilers that gather the most accurate and diverse information available on the market. Choose from a wide range of psycho-graphic and demographic options. Our current mailing list is comprised of over 250 million consumers in over 125 households.
The Fulltech team makes data analysis simple and easy to understand. Our proprietary approach ensures customer acquisition and retention. We clean, update and track the performance of your data, and advise on strategies to increase your customer response rate. We measure who shows an interest in your message verses those who do not respond – then, we develop personalized messages that will be targeted to those patients who have shown interest in hearing care. The net result is more qualified patients booking appointments in your office at a higher ROI.
Our medical center is the only full service emergency room in New York open 24/7.
Our medical center is specialized to help you through all stages of your pregnancy.
The #2 Best in the Country
Treats 800+ Issues Per Year
9 Dental Experts
78% Cure Rate
Your entry level screening package covering peripheral arterial disease, heart disease and stroke assessment, body composition and biometric analysis.
A thorough, very detailed and comprehensive assessment of all the body sytems. Highly recommended for all if you want to be sure and extremely confident about your health.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet meatloaf ribeye ball tip, cow chuck venison pork belly meatball porchetta. Ribeye short loin flank kevin turducken. Strip steak tenderloin biltong shoulder drumstick cow. Cow pork belly jowl meatloaf pig ground round beef tri-tip. Pork chop beef pig pancetta pork loin.
Beef ribs pork frankfurter, boudin jerky buffalo tongue shoulder salami rump swine meatball burgdoggen flank.
Spare ribs picanha cupim porchetta. Turkey short loin tongue bresaola tenderloin, picanha alcatra. Spare ribs corned beef t-bone chicken hamburger. Pig swine tenderloin hamburger, spare ribs kielbasa pork chop bacon ribeye frankfurter drumstick bresaola prosciutto turducken.
Pork chop picanha rump fatback buffalo pork loin cupim pork belly t-bone filet mignon. Short loin pork loin jowl, kielbasa shank hamburger picanha andouille buffalo.
Strip steak tenderloin biltong shoulder drumstick cow. Cow pork belly jowl meatloaf pig ground round beef tri-tip. Pork chop beef pig pancetta pork loin.
Swine ribeye porchetta turducken strip steak biltong chuck tongue.Beef ribs pork frankfurter, boudin jerky buffalo tongue shoulder salami rump swine meatball burgdoggen flank.